A Thoughtful Flower Delivery Gift: The Right Blooms for the Occasion

Gifts are a great way of showing you care when loved ones are going through a special time in their life. Whether the event is one of happiness or sorrow, a flower delivery in Houston can let them know you’re thinking about them. A florist can help you find the perfect bouquet, but you can come prepared by already knowing which flowers suit which occasions.


Flowers for Celebration

Flowers can add a celebratory air to any situation. Valentine’s Day is most commonly associated with white and red roses, but gifts for the day speak to the special relationship between two people. Consider finding flowers and colors that speak to your partner’s preferences. Men tend to prefer bright, crisp colors, while women have a preference for pastel tones.

Lilies are a popular choice for Easter, celebrating the blossoming of Spring, while Christmas arrangements tend towards chartreuse greens and deep shades of red and pink. White is also a favored color for the Christmas season.

Florists recommend in season flowers for wedding arrangements and bouquets to signify the growth of new love. While bright, bold colors used to be the popular choice, wedding flowers are currently trending more towards soft, pretty pastels and splashes of black.

Flowers to Express Sympathy

The right bouquet can be a great way to show you stand with a loved one in a trying time. Many flowers have an underlying meaning and motif that can reflect your heartfelt sympathy. Lilies, which signify that the soul of the deceased has moved on to a more peaceful place, are the de facto flower for funeral arrangements, but there are plenty of other options. The peace lily is similarly popular for its symbolism of peace and rebirth.

Different colors of roses each imply different meanings. White roses symbolize innocence and spirituality, and deep red conveys loss and grief. Yellow roses are a common gift from friends of the family to evoke symbolic solidarity. Carnations are a typical choice for wreaths and hold specific meaning in the Catholic faith. Red reflects affection, and white reflects innocence.

No matter what arrangements you choose, the recipient is sure to appreciate your thoughtfulness. Picking the right flowers from a florist in Houston, such as River Oaks Plant House, can inject your gift with a deeper meaning.

(Choosing the Right Flower for the Right Occasion, flowers.daflores.com)

(Flowers And Occasions, theflowerexpert.com)